Showing posts with label Central Banks. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Central Banks. Show all posts

Ini Beliau Pemain Besar Dalam Forex Market


Pada prinsipnya kalau kita membeli harus ada penjual dan kalau kita menjual harus ada pembeli, aturan jual beli di seluruh pasar.
Pada ketika kita masih melaksanakan transaksi skala kecil antara 1,000 unit hingga 25,000,000 unit dengan memakai broker -broker kecil yang mengambil sumber liquiditas dari broker-broker besar maka kita tidak akan pernah tau siapa bersama-sama lawan dagang kita. Akan tetapi begitu mulai transaksi skala besar dari 50,000,000 unit per trade hingga 250,000,000 unit per trade atau lebih barulah kita sadar siapa lawan dagang kita dalam FX trading. Pada ketika ini barulah kita bertanya kepada diri kita sendiri, siapakah saya sehingga saya bisa melawan para lawan dagang saya dalam FX trading ?. Setelah memahaminya mungkin kita akan mundur secara teratur dan meninggalkannya akan tetapi ada juga yang justru memperdalam metode dan strategynya.

Di broker-broker besar ibarat ICAP, FXAll, FX-Connect dan sebahagian broker kecil ibarat Dukascopy mendisklose lawan dagang kita dalam FX trading kalau perdagangan sudah dalam skala besar.
Misalnya, kita mengambil posisi beli untuk EUR/USD sebesar 100,000,000 EUR/USD dan beberapa pelaku pasar mengambil posisi menjual antara lain 20,000,000 EUR/USD oleh Goldman, 20,000,000 oleh Deutsche, 20,000,000 oleh Commerze, 20,000,000 oleh Lloyd, dan 20,000,000 oleh HSBC. Pada ketika trading berjalan dan posisi perdagangan dalam keadaan posisi menguntungkan kepada kita dan para lawan dagang mengalami posisi merugi sehingga beberapa dari mereka keluar (give up), contohnya Goldman, Deutsche, HSBC give up sehingga 60,000,000 kosong. Seketika itu juga posisi mereka diganti oleh 20,000,000 dgn BOA, 20,000,000 dgn Mizuho, 20,000,000 dgn Barclay maka trading tetap berjalan. Kembali posisi trading menguntungkan kepada kita maka beberapa dari lawan dagang tersebut keluar (give up) , contohnya Commerz, Lloyd, BOA dan Mizuho keluar sehingga 80,000,000 kosong. Seketika dan pada ketika tersebut posisi-posisi mereka digantikan oleh 20,000,000 dgn SEB, 20,000,000 dgn Merill, 20,000,000 dgn Agricole sementara kosong 20,000,000 dan terpaksa diambil oleh broker dengan melaksanakan hedging kepada perusahaan hedging.

Sepanjang posisi trading tetap menguntungkan maka akan terlihat di dalam satu transaksi melibatkan puluhan bank-bank sebagai lawan dagang kita satu sama lain saling bergantian pada posisi-posisi tertentu. Jika terus2 mereka merugi posisi mereka umumnya diganti oleh hedge funds. Apa yang terjadi kalau sebahagian dari posisi tersebut tidak ada yang mengambil ? Disinilah resiko yang ditanggung oleh broker dgn melaksanakan hedging kepada hedge fund.
Setelah melihat lawan dagang yang silih berganti yaitu merupakan bank-bank terbesar di dunia maka muncullah pertanyaan. Apakah kita sudah lebih bisa dari bank-bank terbesar di dunia ini?.

Lalu bagaimana mata rantai arus perdagangan mereka terhadap trader-trader kecil dengan broker-broker kecil yang menjamur dimana-mana?
Para pelaku pasar terbesar di dunia umumnya melaksanakan transaksi dengan mempergunakan broker-broker terbesar di dunia contohnya FXAll, FX-connect, ICAP dll dan dari sini ter-inter-konneksi dgn broker-broker sedang contohnya Currenex, HotSpot, LavaFX dll dan dari sini ter-interkonneksi lagi dengan broker-broker kecil contohnya FXCM, Saxo, InstaForex, FXOpen, FXDD, Capital Gain dll. Dengan ter-inter-konneksi dan ter-inter-konneksi melalui broker besar ke sedang dan ke kecil maka umumnya tidak lagi tertangkap berair siapa lawan dagang untuk transaksi berjalan. Namun demikian sesungguhnya bank-bank terbesar di dunia tersebut yaitu lawan dagang yang sesungguhnya.

Pertanyaannya, siapakah kita hingga kita berani melawan mereka ?.
Pertanyaanya kembali, siapakah para lawan dagang terbesar di dunia ini ? yang selalu disebut sebagai sumber liquiditas?.

Berikut yaitu daftar lawan dagang dalam FX trading yang paling aktif di dunia: 

ANZ Investment Bank
Bank of America
Bank of Ireland Global Markets
Bank of Montreal
Bank of New York Mellon
Bank of Tokyo–Mitsubishi UFJ
Barclays Capital
BNP Paribas
Brown Brothers Harriman
CIBC World Markets
Commonwealth Bank of Australia
Credit Agricole
Credit Suisse
Deutsche Bank
Dresdner Bank
Fidelity Forex
Goldman Sachs
Svenska Handelsbanken
KBC Bank of Ireland
JP Morgan Chase
Landesbank Baden Wuerttemberg
Lloyds TSB
Macquarie Bank
Marshall & Ilsley Bank
Merrill Lynch
Mitsubishi UFJ Trust and Banking
Mizuho Corporate Bank
Morgan Stanley
National Australia Bank
National Bank of Canada
National Custodial Services
Natixis Paris
New Edge Group
Nomura Trust & Banking
Northern Trust
Pictet & Cie Geneva
Pictet North America
PNC Bank
Royal Bank of Canada
Royal Bank of Scotland
Scotia Capital
Societe Generale
Standard Chartered
State Street Bank
Sumitomo Trust & Banking
TD Securities
Trust and Custody Services Bank
Union Bank
WestPac Banking Corporation
Pertanyaannya kembali, apakah para lawan dagang terbesar di dunia ini peranananya hanya sebatas lawan dagang dalam FX trading? ternyata tidak. Dari antara mereka disamping peranannya sebagai lawan dagang ada juga yang berperan sebagai dealer resmi untuk mata uang USD, EUR, JPY, CHF, GBP, CAD, AUD dan NZD.
Jika mereka juga bertidak sebagai dealer resmi mata uang sementara mereka juga berperan sebagai lawan dagang di pasar, apakah mungkin sanggup dilawan ?.
Berikut daftar dealer-dealer USD dari FED. Untuk mata uang lainnya sanggup diperoleh dari bank-bank sentral yg bersangkutan.
Bank of America
Bank of Montreal
The Bank of New York
Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi
Barclays Capital
BNP Paribas
Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce
Deutsche Bank AG
Goldman Sachs & Co.
JP Morgan Chase Bank
Mizuho Corporate Bank
Morgan Stanley
Royal Bank of Canada
Royal Bank of Scotland
Skandinaviska Enskilda Bank
Société Générale
Standard Chartered
State Street Corporation
Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation
UBS Bank
Wells Fargo Bank N.A.
Dalam kenyataannya bahwa pergerakan nilai tukar telah lebih besar diperngaruhi oleh sirkulasi surat-surat berharga keuangan. Apakah peranan mereka mereka ini juga hingga kesana ?. Benar diantara mereka ada juga yang berperan sebagai dealer-dealer resmi surat-surat berharga pemerintah sementara surat-surat berharga dipergunakan dalam rangka market sterilization dan market intervention.

Berikut daftar dealer-dealer resmi surat-surat berharga AS untuk negara lainnya sanggup diperoleh dari bank-bank sentral yang bersangkutan: 

Bank of Nova Scotia, New York Agency
BMO Capital Markets Corp.
BNP Paribas Securities Corp.
Barclays Capital Inc.
Cantor Fitzgerald & Co.
Citigroup Global Markets Inc.
Credit Suisse Securities (USA) LLC
Daiwa Capital Markets America Inc.
Deutsche Bank Securities Inc.
Goldman, Sachs & Co.
HSBC Securities (USA) Inc.
Jefferies & Company, Inc.
J.P. Morgan Securities LLC
Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner & Smith Incorporated
Mizuho Securities USA Inc.
Morgan Stanley & Co. LLC
Nomura Securities International, Inc.
RBC Capital Markets, LLC
RBS Securities Inc.
SG Americas Securities, LLC
UBS Securities LLC.

Setelah kita mempelajari maka kita bisa menyimpulkan, "dari mereka untuk mereka oleh mereka". Kita bertanya kembali dan kembali, mampukah kita melawan mereka sebagai lawan dagang kita dalam FX trading sementara mereka juga sebagai dealer mata uang dan juga dealer surat2 berharga

Siapa yang bisa ? kalaupun bisa hanya sesaat ketika mujur. Kalau kita berbicara metode dan strategy, bukankah mereka-mereka ini memiliki anggaran ratusan juta USD dalam rangka R&D setiap tahun ?.
Jawabannya yaitu mereka tidak bisa dilawan akan tetapi diikuti. Pertanyaannya adalah, metode dan strategy apa bersama-sama yang mereka pergunakan?????????.
Mungkin kita bertanya kembali, beberapa diantara mereka juga mengeluarkan forecast-forecast FX dan bahkan diberikan secara cuma-cuma. Mari kita bertanya kembali, mungkinkah musuh menawarkan sentayanya untuk kita pergunakan sebagai alat untuk membunuh mereka ?. Tidak mungkin. Makara apa semua itu --- itulah "rumors" alasannya forecast tidak pernah dipertanggungjawabkan.
Coba kita renungi bersama,.....


What Is Forex?

What is Forex? 

Forex, also known as foreign exchange, FX or currency trading, is a decentralized global market where all the world's currencies trade. The forex market is the largest, most liquid market in the world with an average daily trading volume exceeding $5 trillion. All the world's combined stock markets don't even come close to this. But what does that mean to you? Take a closer look at forex trading and you may find some exciting trading opportunities unavailable with other investments.


If you've ever traveled overseas, you've made a forex transaction. Take a trip to France and you convert your pounds into euros. When you do this, the forex exchange rate between the two currencies—based on supply and demand—determines how many euros you get for your pounds. And the exchange rate fluctuates continuously.

A single pound on Monday could get you 1.19 euros. On Tuesday, 1.20 euros. This tiny change may not seem like a big deal. But think of it on a bigger scale. A large international company may need to pay overseas employees. Imagine what that could do to the bottom line if, like in the example above, simply exchanging one currency for another costs you more depending on when you do it? These few pennies add up quickly. In both cases, you—as a traveler or a business owner—may want to hold your money until the forex exchange rate is more favorable.


Just like stocks, you can trade currency based on what you think its value is (or where it's headed). But the big difference with forex is that you can trade up or down just as easily. If you think a currency will increase in value, you can buy it. If you think it will decrease, you can sell it. With a market this large, finding a buyer when you're selling and a seller when you're buying is much easier than in in other markets. Maybe you hear on the news that China is devaluing its currency to draw more foreign business into its country. If you think that ekspresi dominan will continue, you could make a forex trade by selling the Chinese currency against another currency, say, the US dollar. The more the Chinese currency devalues against the US dollar, the higher your profits. If the Chinese currency increases in value while you have your sell position open, then your losses increase and you want to get out of the trade.


All forex trades involve two currencies because you're betting on the value of a currency against another. Think of EUR/USD, the most-traded currency pair in the world. EUR, the first currency in the pair, is the base, and USD, the second, is the counter. When you see a price quoted on your platform, that price is how much one euro is worth in US dollars. You always see two prices because one is the buy price and one is the sell. The difference between the two is the spread. When you click buy or sell, you are buying or selling the first currency in the pair.

Let's say you think the euro will increase in value against the US dollar. Your pair is EUR/USD. Since the euro is first, and you think it will go up, you buy EUR/USD. If you think the euro will drop in value against the US dollar, you sell EUR/USD.

If the EUR/USD buy price is 0.70644 and the sell price is 0.70640, then the spread is 0.4 pips. If the trade moves in your favor (or against you), then, once you cover the spread, you could make a profit (or loss) on your trade.


If prices are quoted to the hundredths of cents, how can you see any significant return on your investment when you trade forex? The answer is leverage.

When you trade forex, you're effectively borrowing the first currency in the pair to buy or sell the second currency. With a US$5-trillion-a-day market, the liquidity is so deep that liquidity providers—the big banks, basically—allow you to trade with leverage. To trade with leverage, you simply set aside the required margin for your trade size. If you're trading 200:1 leverage, for example, you can trade £2,000 in the market while only setting aside £10 in margin in your trading account. For 50:1 leverage, the same trade size would still only require about £40 in margin. This gives you much more exposure, while keeping your capital investment down.

But leverage doesn't just increase your profit potential. It can also increase your losses, which can exceed deposited funds. When you're new to forex, you should always start trading small with lower leverage ratios, until you feel comfortable in the market.


Central Banks

In its simplest context, Central Banks are responsible for overseeing the monetary system for a nation (or group of nations); however, central banks have a range of responsibilities, from overseeing monetary policy to implementing specific goals such as currency stability, low inflation and full employment.

Central banks also generally issue currency, function as the bank of the government, regulate the credit system, oversee commercial banks, manage exchange reserves and act as a lender of last resort.

There are eight major central banks today:

-US Federal Reserve Bank (US)
-European Central Bank (EUR)
-Bank of Canada (CAD)
-Reserve Bank of Australia (AUD)
-Reserve Bank of New Zealand (NZD)
-Bank of England (GBP)
-Bank of Japan (JPY)
-Swiss National Bank (CHF)

Central Banks and Interest Rates 

The balancing act of stable employment and prices is a tricky one, and the main mechanism a central bank has to regulate these levels is interest rates. Interest rates are a primary influencer of investment flows.

The reason for either raising or lowering the interest rate and why it has an influence is easy to see when you really think about it. Consider for a moment an economic environment where banks are concerned about the economy and are hesitant to loan money out of fear of not being paid back.

If interest rates are high, the safer option would be to keep the money and only loan to those whom they feel would pay back the loan at a high interest rate. An environment of this kind would make it difficult for small businesses that don’t have credit history to borrow money. Plus a higher cost to borrow may dissuade businesses from borrowing. The same would be true for individuals looking to buy houses.

If the same economic scenario were presented but interest rates were low, banks may feel that taking the risk in loaning to less-than-impeccable businesses is worth it, particularly since they could also borrow money from the central bank at extremely low rates. This would also lower the interest rates for buying a home.

Businesses borrowing money to grow their bottom line and individuals buying homes are two vital keys to a growing economy, and central banks typically try to encourage it. However, there are times when it gets a little out of control and too much risk is being taken, which can lead to painful economic downturns.

Central banks attempt to balance the needs of businesses and individuals by managing interest rates.

How interest rates influence traders      

Traders are influenced by the rates at central banks as well. When buying one currency against another in a forex transaction, you are essentially taking ownership of that currency using the counter currency as the funds of your transaction. For instance, of you are buying the NZD/JPY (New Zealand Dollar/Japanese Yen), you are borrowing JPY to buy NZD. If you borrow, you pay the borrowing cost (interest rate) to get those funds, but on the flipside, you are earning interest on that which you bought. If the JPY has an interest rate of 0.10% and the NZD has interest rate of 2.50%, you are earning more interest than you are paying for the transaction.

Some investors take a long-term approach of borrowing low interest rate currencies and buying those with high interest rates, a strategy called the “carry trade.” While the carry trade can be profitable, when only considering the interest earned it is typically negligible. The values of the currencies against one another plays a much bigger role in the day-to-day profitability of the position, and can far outweigh any interest earned.


This is a term referring to a central bank that is either talking about or actually raising interest rates.


This is a term referring to a central bank that is either talking about or actually cutting interest rates.

Quantitative Easing 

This is a method of cutting interest rates where a central bank will cash in some of its holdings and buy bonds; most of the time these bonds are long term. By entering into the long-term bond market, they are increasing demand for those bonds therefore driving down the interest earned on them. The goal of such a measure is to keep interest rates low to encourage more borrowing.