Showing posts with label Forex Strategy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Forex Strategy. Show all posts

Strategi Trading Forex Memakai Kombinasi 3 Moving Average

Moving Average merupakan indikator bawaan dari semua platform trading pada umumnya, termasuk Metatrader.Moving average (selanjutnya akan kita sebut sebagai MA) merupakan salah satu indikator tren yang cukup populer. Indikator ini “memperhalus” pergerakan harga dalam rentang waktu tertentu, sehingga Anda dipermudah untuk mengenali tren atau arah pergerakan harga secara umum. Fungsi utama dari Moving Average yakni sebagai alat bantu penentu arah demam isu pergerakan pasangan mata uang.

Dalam pembelajaran mengenai MA ini, Anda hanya akan membahas dua jenis MA yang terkenal saja, yaitu:

1.Simple Moving Average (SMA)
2.Exponential Moving Average ( EMA)

Anda akan mempelajari dasar-dasarnya dulu, gres nanti Anda akan pelajari strateginya. Oke, ini dia….

1.Simple Moving Average (SMA)

Simple Moving Average (SMA) ini merupakan MA yang paling sederhana. Ya, sesuai dengan namanya: simple. Tapi jangan remehkan kemampuan si Sekolah Menengan Atas yang sederhana ini, sebab dengan penggunaan yang sempurna ia pun bisa menuntun Anda untuk mengenali pergerakan harga. Jika Anda memakai Sekolah Menengan Atas 50 di grafik 1 jam-an, maka Sekolah Menengan Atas 50 yang Anda lihat yakni hasil dari penjumlahan 50 harga penutupan terakhir, kemudian hasil penjumlahan itu dibagi lagi dengan 50. Dari perhitungan itulah Anda bisa memperoleh nilai rata-rata dari harga penutupan dalam 50 jam terakhir. Sudah sanggup gambarannya kan? Oke, kita lanjutkan.

Seperti yang pernah disampaikan, pada prakteknya Anda tidak perlu susah-susah lagi menghitung Sekolah Menengan Atas ini, platform trading yang Anda gunakan sudah menyediakan alatnya. Lho, kemudian mengapa repot-repot mempelajari perhitungannya? Tujuannya hanya supaya Anda mempunyai gambaan mengenai apa sesungguhnya Sekolah Menengan Atas ini. Juga supaya Anda mempunyai dasar kalau nanti Anda ingin memodifikasi Sekolah Menengan Atas ini sesuai dengan taktik Anda nantinya.

Seperti yang telah disampaikan di awal tadi: MA “memperhalus” pergerakan harga. Semakin besar periode yang dipakai maka semakin “halus” pula MA yang dihasilkan. Semakin halus MA yang dihasilkan maka akan semakin lambat ia bereaksi terhadap pergerakan harga.

2.Exponential Moving Average (EMA)

Perhitungan EMA tidaklah sesederhana SMA. EMA menawarkan bobot yang lebih dalam perhitungan harga rata-rata dalam rentang waktu tertentu. Efeknya yakni EMA cenderung lebih sensitif terhadap pergerakan harga , sehingga EMA bergerak sedikit lebih bergairah daripada SMA. EMA & Sekolah Menengan Atas Sample Gambar di atas menunjukkan Sekolah Menengan Atas dan EMA yang diplot pada grafik yang sama. Periode yang dipakai juga sama-sama 50 namun metode perhitungannya berbeda.

MA yang berwarna biru yakni EMA, sedangkan MA yang berwarna merah yakni SMA. Anda bisa melihat bahwa EMA 50 selalu lebih bersahabat kepada Sekolah Menengan Atas 50. Ini artinya EMA lebih merepresentasikan pergerakan harga (price action) daripada SMA. Dengan kata lain, EMA lebih menggambarkan apa yang terjadi di pasar dikala ini.

Strategi ini dinamakan The 3 Musketeer sebab memakai 3 indikator Moving Average. Masing-masing indikator mempunyai kiprah penting dalam algoritma sanksi harga.

Cara Kerja:

1.Pertama Pasang 3 unit EMA (Exponential Moving Average) dengan parameter sebagai berikut:
- EMA 1; Period 8, Method Exponential, Apply to Close, Warna Merah
 merupakan indikator bawaan dari semua platform  trading pada umumnya Strategi Trading Forex Menggunakan Kombinasi 3 Moving Average
Exponential Moving Average Period 8

- EMA 2; Period 21, Method Exponential, Apply to Close, Warna Biru
 merupakan indikator bawaan dari semua platform  trading pada umumnya Strategi Trading Forex Menggunakan Kombinasi 3 Moving Average
Exponential Moving Average Period 21
- EMA 3; Period 125, Method Exponential, Apply to Close, Warna Hitam
 merupakan indikator bawaan dari semua platform  trading pada umumnya Strategi Trading Forex Menggunakan Kombinasi 3 Moving Average
Setting Exponential Moving Average Period 125

Rekomendasi Terbaik: D1 (Daily)
Opsional: H4 (4 Jam)

EMA 1 dan 2 berfungsi sebagai trigger / alarm untuk pengambilan poisi. EMA 3 berfungsi sebagai penentu Trend.

Aturan Entry (eksekusi order)
 merupakan indikator bawaan dari semua platform  trading pada umumnya Strategi Trading Forex Menggunakan Kombinasi 3 Moving Average
Aturan Entry Buy

- Tentukan demam isu dengan EMA 3. Jika gugusan candle berada diatas garis EMA 3, maka selanjutnya tunggu sinyal Buy.
- Eksekusi Buy ketika 2 garis EMA 1 dan EMA 2 berpotongan mengarah keatas. Biasanya garis EMA1 memotong EMA 2.

 merupakan indikator bawaan dari semua platform  trading pada umumnya Strategi Trading Forex Menggunakan Kombinasi 3 Moving Average
Aturan Entry Sell

- Tentukan demam isu dengan EMA 3. Jika gugusan candle berada dibawah garis EMA 3, maka selanjutnya tunggu sinyal Sell.
- Eksekusi Sell ketika 2 garis EMA 1 dan EMA 2 berpotongan mengarah bawah. Biasanya garis EMA1 memotong EMA 2.

Algoritma Exit (Take Profit & Stop Loss)
- Take Profit: sekitar 50 - 300 poin. Bisa diadaptasi dengan Resisten terdekat.
- Stop Loss: sekitar 50 - 100 poin. Bisa diadaptasi dengan Support terdekat.


Strategi trading ini bekerja mengikuti trend. Ketiga Moving Average mempunyai kiprah masing-masing sebagai Trend Detector dan Sinyal. Untuk akurasi sebaiknya dicoba sendiri memakai akun demo.

Strategi ini dibentuk khusus untuk timeframe D1 atau H4. Kami tidak menganjurkan penggunaan di timeframe lebih kecil dari itu.

Apakah taktik ini bisa dijadikan EA? Bisa saja. Tapi performanya tidak akan sebaik kita menjalankannya secara manual. EA tidak bisa membaca informasi dan sentimen sebaik manusia.

Jika ada pertanyaan bisa eksklusif melalui kolom komentar di bawah.

Salam Profit!

Apa Itu Trading Balance? Mengapa Broker Melarang Trading Balance?

Bayak sekali jenis dan macam teknik yang di lakukan orang dalam trading Forex,Salah satunya yakni Trading Balance,Namun sudah tahukah anda apa itu Trading balance?

Trading Balance yakni sistem atau teknik yang dilakukan trader untuk mendapat profit dengan cara mengakali kemudahan bonus yang diberikan oleh broker.

Trading Balance itu legal atau tidak? 

Statusnya masih menjadi kontroversi sampai kini sebab trader sanggup untung dengan gampang tapi akan 'sedikit' mengusik kesenangan broker.

Bagaimana Trading Balance itu sanggup dilakukan? 

Dari bisikan seorang master TB caranya amat lah mudah, namun memerlukan sedikitnya 2 operator (trader). Misalnya Anda punya dana untuk diinvestasikan sebesar US$2,000 maka yang harus dilakukan adalah:

-Membaginya ke 8 account, sebut saja account A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H masing2 sebesar US$250;
-Jika memakai broker Insta maka masing2 account tersebut mendapat pelengkap 30% welcome bonus;
-Sehingga total uang dimasing-masing account akan menjadi sekitar US$325;

-Nah dari 8 account tersebut di bentuk 2 group, group 1 (A,B,C,D) dan group 2 (E,F,G,H);
-Group 1 melaksanakan order BUY dan Group 2 melaksanakan order SELL dalam waktu yang hampir berbarengan;
-Misal Group 1 BUY di Euro TP100 SL100 sedangkan Group 2 SELL di Euro dengan TP 100 SL 100 pips;
-Dengan ketahanan 100 pips, maka dimasing2 account memakai lot sebesar 3.25 (lot Insta);
-Ketika salah satu Group TP (take profit) contohnya saja Group 1 menang, maka seluruh dana dari Group 2 (yang diasumsikan MC) sebesar total US$1300 pindah ke Group 1 sehingga account A,B,C,D menjadi @ US$650;
-Nah dari sisa 4 account tadi yaitu A,B,C,D dibagi menjadi 2 group lagi Buy (A,B) dan Sell (C,D);
-Dengan cara yang sama, opening lot 6.5 lot insta;
-Akan tersisa 2 account @ US$1300 dan dibagi 2 posisi lagi 1 acc buy dan 1 acc sell dengan lot 13;
-Nah tersisa 1 account dengan nilai balance US$2,600;
-Saat request WD atau withdrawal, bonus akan direduksi sebab jumlah lot minimum tidak terpenuhi;
-Nalarnya US$2600-US$75 welcome bonus = $2,525 yang berarti profit 25% dalam waktu kurang dari 1 minggu... wow amazing!!!
-Apalagi bila terdaftar di suatu IB tertentu yang menunjukkan rebate, profit US$ 2,600 akan utuh;
-Disarankan memakai leverage 1:1000;

Dan apabila memang terbukti melaksanakan TB, akan beresiko mengalami kesulitan dalam melaksanakan WD, atau bahkan dana tidak sanggup di-WD alias suspend alias freeze.Maka dari itu Broker Forex sangat melarang melaksanakan Trading Balance ini.


Cara Trading Dengan Support Dan Resistance Candle

Pagi sahabat semua, gimana nie kabarnya? Semoga baik-baik aja dan tradingnya diberikan profit ya. Tapi, beneran udah dapat profit belum nie tradingnya? Mau mencoba trading dengan support dan resistan candlestick? Simak berikut ya penjelasannya.

Trading dengan pola support dan resistan candle atau kebanyakan orang juga bilang trading dengan supply dan demand, hampir sama keduanya. Teknik ini sangat simple sekali tanpa diharapkan indikator yang ruwet di chart kita, sehingga kita dapat lebih fokus dalam trading. 

Coba dilihat penampakan gambar berikut ini, indikator yang dibutuhkan hanya horizontal line saja.

Gimana, sahabat dapat kan buat garis ibarat itu? Next...

Kenal kan sahabat dengan contoh breakout candle ini? Intinya kini kita hanya punya plan buy only. Next...

Close candle ada di atas resistan, so op buy dicandle berikutnya atau menunggu konfirmasi 1 candle lagi. Dengan TP di resistan terdekat. Next...

Upz hampir hit TP. Cut profit karna ada contoh candle di akrab resistan. OP Sell...

Hmmm, resah mau ngomong apa lagi, pada dasarnya dalam teknik trading dengan support dan resistan ini yaitu sahabat dapat mengetahui letak SnR dan paham pola-pola candle itu aja, simple kan?

Ok Sobat, pribadi donlod aja dach ebooknya semoga dapat sahabat pelajari sendiri caranya dan pribadi praktekkan di chart sahabat sendiri ya. Semoga cara trading dengan support dan resistan candle ini ada keuntungannya buat sahabat semuanya dan dapat dijadikan salah satu amunisi untuk terjun ke medan perang :)


Strategi Trading Dengan Memakai Trailing Stop

Hallo....selamat datang Semoga anda semua selalu mendapat Berkah, kebahagiaan serta riski yang lancar.Semoga dengan Mengunjungi Blog saya ini anda semua bisa mendapat Ilmu yang bermanfaat dan biar Artikel yang saya tulis ini bisa menambah wawasan kita semua.Oke pribadi saja kita ke pokok Pembahasan kita kali ini..

 Hampir sebagian besar trader forex online memakai MetaTrader untuk melaksanakan transaksi trading forex. Beberapa dari mereka bisa dengan baik memanfaatkan MetaTrader untuk memaksimalkan potensi profit. Ada sebuah fitur di MetaTrader yang sanggup dipakai sebagai salah satu strategi trading yang menguntungkan, fitur tersebut ialah Trailing Stop.

Trailing Stop merupakan sebuah fitur di MetaTrader yang berfungsi untuk mengubah posisi stop-loss secara otomatis sesuai dengan jumlah yang ditetapkan. Cara kerja Trailing Stop ialah dengan mengikuti posisi order yang Anda lakukan. Contohnya kalau Anda membuka posisi Buy untuk EUR/USD di harga 1.3350, dengan stop-loss sebesar 30 poin (1.3320) dan Trailing Stop sebanyak 30 poin. Cara kerjanya sebagai berikut :

- Jika harga naik ke 1.3380 atau naik sebesar 30 poin, maka secara otomatis stop-loss Anda akan bergeser ke 1.3350 (1.3320 + 30 = 1.3350). Dari kenaikan ini, kalau stop-loss Anda tersentuh, maka balasannya ialah : profit = 0 (1.3350 - 1.3350 = 0, Loss = 0 (1.3350 - 1.3350= 0).

- Jika harga naik lagi ke 1.3410, maka secara otomatis stop-loss Anda akan bergeser lagi ke 1.3380 (1.3350 + 30 = 1.3380). Dari kenaikan ini, kalau stop-loss Anda tersentuh, maka Anda akan mendapat profit sebesar 30 poin (1.3380 - 1.3350 = 30). Begitu seterusnya, setiap kali ada kenaikan sebesar 30 poin (sesuai dengan jumlah Trailing Stop) maka stop-loss akan bergeser dan mengunci laba trading Anda sebanyak kelipatan 30 poin.

- Anda juga sanggup menutup posisi transaksi Anda sesuai dengan impian Anda sendiri tanpa harus menunggu stop-loss tersentuh.

Untuk menggunakan Trailing Stop, maka yang harus Anda perhatikan ialah tren pergerakan harga. Umumnya Trailing Stop dipakai pada ketika pergerakan harga sedang trending untuk waktu yang lama. Sebagian trader ada yang memakai Trailing Stop hanya pada ketika ada info ekonomi penting yang akan dirilis.

Strategi Trading Dengan Trailing Stop memang sebaiknya diterapkan didalam acara transaksi trading forex, terutama oleh para trader pemula. Trailing Stop akan mengurangi tingkat kerugian yang seharusnya Anda terima dan secara otomatis akan melindungi profit Anda dari kehilangan. Dengan memasang Trailing Stop, setidaknya Anda tidak perlu lagi merasa ragu didalam memilih exit point. Semoga bermanfaat.

Teknik Scalping Jitu

Halo mitra - mitra semua...bagaimanana kabar hari ini? semoga mitra - mitra sehat semua dan banyak rezeki yah. Aminnn... Kembali lagi saya akan coba memperkenalkan teknik dimana teknik ini cukup jitu. Kita dapat mengetahui dimana kita akan OP dan kapan harga akan berakhir. Teman - sahabat juga dapat mengetahui harga akan berbalik atau tidak. Teknik ini baik dipakai pada MT4 yang 6 digit tapi bagi sahabat - sahabat yang memakai 5 digit juga masih dapat menggunakannya kok dan mantappp... Bagi sahabat - sahabat yang memakai streamster Agea juga dapat gunakan teknik ini. Baiklah tampa berlama - usang lagi begini teknik ini berjalan.

Bagi yang memakai MT4 sahabat - sahabat seting saja indikator - indikator berikut :

1. BB seting periode : 10, deviasi : 1, Shift : 2.
2. MACD Fast EMA 8, Slow EMA 13, MACD Sekolah Menengan Atas 9.
3. Momentum 21 untuk warna indikatornya suka - suka deh.

Caranya cukup mudah, kita OP Buy atau Sell jikalau harga berada diatas BB atau dibawah BB serta MACD  crosing menunjukan BUY atau Sell dan Memontum mengondisikan overbought atau oversold. Praktis kan... sinyal palsu akan nampak seiring dengan pengamatan sahabat - teman. Nih misalnya saya kasih daaahhh... buat sahabat - sahabat semua. Silahkan klik atau di download jikalau kurang terang gambarnya, oke???

Nah tuh harga yang berwarna putih yang saya tandai itu menunjukan sell dan harga yang berwarna kuning menunjukan buy. Saya gunakan TF 1 jam tuh sebagai contoh, tpi itu dapat lo untuk TF kecil bahkan yang 1 menit. Silahkan sahabat - sahabat kembangkan dan amati baik - baik. Oh ya jangan lupa OP ntar ngamatin terus jadi lupa OP deh hehehehe just kidding...

Bagi teman-teman yang gunakan Agea Streamster seting saja indikatornya menyerupai berikut ini.

1. BB MA type : simple, Periode : 12, Multiple : 1.0
2. MACD Fast EMA 8, Slow EMA 13, MACD Sekolah Menengan Atas 9.
3. Momentum 21 untuk problem warna indikatornya suka - suka saja deh.

Untuk cara OP nya nih sama saja dengan pembahasan yang di atas tuh... Yang perlu di perhatikan nih jendela TF nya bagi saja jadi 4 chart yah, ini dilakukan semoga sahabat - sahabat mengetahui kapan harga akan terus, berbalik atau sinyal palsu dengan memperhatikan indikator Momentum periode 21 soalnya kalau jendela chartnya dibentuk lebar Indikator Momentumnya kurang maksimal kerjanya. Gunakan zoom 100% atau 75 % saja. Seting saja TF 5 Menit, 15 Menit, 30 Menit, dan 1 Jam. Ingat kalau temen - temen mau OP ikuti cara - cara diatas dan harus disiplin. Kalau gak yah gak jamin deh kalau pergerakan harga tidak sesuai dengan harapan sahabat - teman. Oh ya hampir lupa kalau dapat lakukan tranding pada sesi pasar Eropa dan Amerika saja yah, ah enggak ah ane maunya Amerini aje hehehe...just kidding lagi nih...Sebagai referensi saja nih saya kasih daaahhhh....

Untuk gambar lebih jelasnya silahkan sahabat - sahabat klik, dapat juga download saja gambar di atas atau save image as hehehehe... Di gambar itu sudah saya kasih tanda lingkaran, yang berwarna ungu itu berarti Sell dan yang merah berarti Buy. Ini hanya referensi saja buat sahabat - teman.
Okelah hingga disini dulu yah teknik jitu dari saya. Jangan lupa kabarkan ke sahabat - sahabat yang lain. Biar dapat kaya bareng hehehehehe.... Salam profit dan salam dahsyat selalu...

Teknik Forek Tanpa Loss & Tanpa Prediksi

Halo sobat forex money machine,pada kesempatan kali ini saya  ingin mengembangkan pengalaman yang selama ini saya pakai dalam tranding di investasi forek. Selama berguru dan terus berusaha bagaimana kita sanggup bertranding di Forek dengan baik, kita mungkin menemui banyak kesulitan. Bukan diam-diam lagi kalau diforek memerlukan prediksi baik itu teknikal ataupun fudamental. Tapi pernah tidak kita sadar, 1 menit kedepan saja kita tidak tahu kemana harga akan bergerak. Mohon maaf kepada para master bukan maksud saya meremehkan, saya disini hanya ingin mengembangkan saja. Mencoba beristirahat sejenak untuk memprediksi forek. Benarkah dalam bertranding di forek kita sanggup melaksanakan tranding tampa memprediksinya??? 

Langsung saja tampa berlama - usang lagi saya bagikan tipsnya, cukup gampang kok.... pertama kita lakukan teknik ini pada jam 08.00 hingga jam 12.00 sebelum jam pasar eropa dibuka.Gunakan lot kecil saja yang tidak beresiko pada uang sahabat - teman, jangan berfikir sanggup mampu banyak dulu lebih baik kecil - kecil tapi lancar mengikuti prinsip ekonomi investasi ialah 0,2% perhari kemudian kalikan 5 tahun. Tapi jangan salah teknik ini sanggup juga meraup laba hingga 1%/hari kalau kondisi pasar sedang elok wahhh....kalau 1 bulan berapa yahhh.... Kreatifitas dan kesabaran sahabat - sahabat sanggup jadi modal yang sangat berharga kalau digabungkan dengan teknik ini. Bagi sahabat - sahabat yang memakai streamster Agea gunakan 1/2% lot dari uang account yang ada. Satu misal account sahabat - sahabat di streamster ada senilai $1000 maka 1% lotnya ya = 1000 jadi cukup kita belanjakan setengahnya saja atau 1000 : 2 = 500.  

Kita gunakan saja buy stop dan sell stop, kita lihat dimana harga hari ini berada. Satu teladan ambil saja GBP/USD berada diharga 1.6040, kita order buy stop dan sell stop dengan menambah 10 point untuk buy stop di harga 1.6050 Exit Target / TP di 1.6060 dan dikurangi 10 point untuk sell stop di harga 1.6030 Exit Target / TP di 1.6020. Ingat ya Exit Target / TP 10 point saja....hehehe... Kemudian lanjutkan lagi dengan order buy stop dan sell stop dengan harga ditambah 5 point dari Exit Target / TP buy stop di harga 1.6065 Exit Target / TP di 1.6075 dan dikurangi 5 point dari Exit Target / TP sell stop di harga 1.6015 dan Exit Target / TP di 1.6005 begitu seterusnya hingga ada 5 atau 6 order untuk buy stop dan 5 atau 6 order untuk sell stop. berikut ilustrasinya:

Nih saya kasih teladan hasilnya...mantap kan...???

Oke agar bermanfaat untuk temen - sahabat sekalian. Semoga sukses dan tunggu yah posting saya selanjutnya mengenai trading di forek yang mengasikkan ini. Sampai jumpa sukses selalu. Amiinnnn....

Fibonacci Trading System

The fact that Fibonacci numbers have found their way to Forex trading is hard to deny.
Moreover, trading currencies with Fibonacci tool for many traders have become the bread and butter of their whole trading career.

Trading setup and tools we need: 

Time frame: 3 hour (or 4 hour).
Currency pairs: any.
Fibonacci tool - our main tool
EMA 100 – green (visual guidance)
SMA 150 – red (visual guidance)
RSI (14) on a daily chart

We will be working with next Fibonacci retracement levels: 0.382, 0.618, 0.250 and 0.750.
Default stop loss – roughly 100 pips and then adjusted according to the most recent swing high/low.
Profit sasaran – no sasaran is set as we will let the profits run.

Trading Rules: 

Find the closest to the current price wave with a distance from High to Low over 100 pips.
Apply Fibonacci on it no matter if the wave is going up or down, only size matters.

Some terms we are going to use here: 

The corridor between 0.382 Fibonacci retracement level and 0.618 retracement on the chart – will be called a “must channel”.
Fibonacci retracement levels will be numbered always from bottom to top, no matter whether it is an up or a down wave. E.g. at the bottom we will always have 0.250, then next 0.382, 0.618 and finally on top – 0.750 Fibonacci retracement level.

Entry rules: 

Always enter only according with both:
1. EMA and Sekolah Menengan Atas musim suggestion (e.g. green on top – uptrend, red on top - downtrend)
2. RSI suggestion (e.g. reading below 50 – only sell orders, above – only buy orders).

Now, after applying Fibonacci on a wave bigger than 100 pips we wait for the price to go inside a “must channel” area (at least to make 1 pip into the channel). Only then next rules will be valid:

- If a full candle (including shadows) is closed below 0.250 Fibonacci retracement,we go short. If we are currently long – it is time to close long position – it is an exit rule as well.

- If a full candle (including shadows) is closed above 0.750 Fibonacci retracement, we go long.If till this time we had short positions open – we close them – and again it is an exit rule as well.

Important: once another wave greater than 100 pips occur, set a new Fibonacci on the new wave. Retracement levels will change and so we will now follow new retracements.
(Optional: for visual aid traders may mark old Fibonacci wave to see the general pattern of consecutive waves on the chart).

That’s it. Stay in trade, resetting Fibonacci with each new wave and moving a stop loss according to the last swings high or low (in simple words, a stop loss will be always just below the Fibonacci 0% line) until it is time to close the position according to our rules.

This strategy prevents a lot of “bad” entries, eliminates early exits and allows staying in trade for a long period of time helping to take everything a current move can offer.
Traders may close all good winning positions on Friday evening if they prefer not to hold them over a weekend.

Fast Moving Averages Crossover System

Trading systems based on fast moving averages are quite easy to follow. Let's take a look at this simple system.
Currency pairs: ANY
Time frame chart: 1 hour or 15 minute chart.
Indicators: 10 EMA, 25 EMA, 50 EMA. 

Entry rules: When 10 EMA goes through 25 EMA and continues through 50 EMA, BUY/SELL in the direction of 10 EMA once it clearly makes it through 50 EMA. (Just wait for the current price kafetaria to close on the opposite site of 50 EMA. This waiting helps to avoid false signals).

Exit rules: option1: exit when 10 EMA crosses 25 EMA again.
option2: exit when 10 EMA returns and touches 50 EMA (again it is suggested to wait until the current price kafetaria after so called “touch” has been closed on the opposite side of 50 EMA).

Advantages: it is easy to use, and it gives very good results when the market is trending, during big price break-outs and big price moves.

Disadvantages: Fast moving average indicator is a follow-up indicator or it is also called a lagging indicator, which means it does not predict future market directions, but rather reflects current situation on the market. This characteristic makes it vulnerable: firstly, because it can change its signals any time, secondly – because need to watch it all the time; and finally, when market trades sideways (no trend) with very little fluctuation in price it can give many false signals, so it is not suggested to use it during such periods.

Scalping System With Adx And Bollinger Bands

Simple trading systems are good for skilled beginners and intermediate traders, but may not suit more experienced traders. Either way, do not skip those strategies as they will preserve consistency in your learning progress.

Scalping with the help of Bollinger bands:

Bollinger bands can help determine trends and especially upcoming animo reversals.
When price moves outside the Bollinger bands it is suggests a continuation of the current trend, while bottoms and tops made outside the Bollinger bands change to bottoms and tops made later inside the Bollinger bands suggest upcoming animo reversal.

Scalping with the help of ADX: 

To scalp effectively with minimum time spent, Forex scalpers need to know when the market is trending well and when there is nothing to wait for.

To find out about the strength of the market animo use ADX (Average Directional Index) indicator.
ADX does not show the direction of a current trend, it only shows the strength of the trend. Reading below 20 indicates a weak trend, reading just above 20 – gaining new strength animo and reading above 40 – very strong trend.

It is that simple – scalping is weak when the market is weak, when ADX deeps below 20 – opt for other life activities, do not sit and waste your time in Forex.

Support And Resistance Areas

One of the most common and easily made mistakes by new traders is completely ignoring support and resistance.

This is easy to understand when you consider most Forex education sites never mention anything about support and resistance. Most sites want to sell you an indicator that will allow you to trade ,rather than teach you how to trade for yourself.

Once you learn to place, use and understand support and resistance lines, then you will never need to pay for a signal service or use indicators ever again.

So What Exactly is Support and Resistance?

Support = Buy Area

Resistance = Sell Area

Support always equals a buying area. The words buyers, bulls, and support are interchangeable.

Resistance is always a selling area and the terms sellers, bears, and resistance are interchangeable.

Area of Support 

An area of support always appears below the current price. It marks out the area that buyers are likely to enter the market.

Area of Resistance 

An area of resistance always appears above the current price. It marks out the area that sellers are likely to enter the market.

Hedge Trading Systems

One thing that you always should be thinking about as a Forex trader is forex risk management. Managing your risk can take many forms, but one form is to do hedging.

Hedging is essentially reducing or leveling your risk by making trades that potentially cancel each other out to some degree. Some newer forex regulations have removed the ability for direct hedging with US Forex traders. It used to be possible to go long and short on the same pair in the same account.

This is still possible with accounts not based in the US, but in the US, it's no longer allowed.

However, there is a workaround of sorts that is not quite as clean but still exists as a hedge.

In Forex, all trading is done in pairs. There are two currencies involved with each trade. Let's say you wanted to go long on EUR/USD, but you were concerned in the short term about USD strength. You could actually go long on the USD/CHF pair as well. This would give you a long USD position to offset any losses in your EUR/USD position. The downside is that you'd have CHF exposure. This is a never ending circle, there is not really any such thing as a perfect hedge. It will always be a hedge of sorts. However, you do lower your USD risk by making these trades.

The main thing to remember is that you are offsetting, at least, one side of your trade. Let's say you had been more concerned about your Euro exposure.

In that case, you could have opted to go short a pair like EUR/CHF.

The skill in creating these types of hedge trades is to look for a pair that contains the currency you want to hedge against but has it paired with another currency that has a lower volatility level. For example, hedging with EUR/USD and EUR/JPY may not be a very good idea.

The JPY has been known to be very volatile on its own. It's would be risky to have naked exposure to it.

The ultimate way to do these hedges is to put them on during risky times and take them off when the risk lowers. For instance, during certain news releases, like employment, surprises can produce large movements. It would make sense to put your hedge on before the release and take it off after.

You have to remember though that when you put on a hedge you are neutralizing your profit and loss. Your gains will be as limited as your losses. This is what the US Congress thought they were protecting against when they legislated against direct hedging.

If you plan on using this type of strategy to help manage risk, you'll need to remember that lot comparison between different pairs will not always break even on pip value. It always depends on the currency conversion between your currency and the currency pairs in question, and on which pair is the base pair in the pairs you're trading. The lot size on the first pair may be 10k, but the second pair may be slightly off if you wanted to perfect the hedge, it could be a number like 10,200k to be perfectly even.

Hedging is not a perfect science, just one that works well for lowering risk somewhat in certain situations.

It should be used wisely, and it should not be considered a full safety net. Hedging is a great tool when used wisely, particularly when combined with other risk management techniques like good stop placement, and setting targets, it can help minimize losses during surprises.

Daily Fibonacci Pivot Strategy

The Daily Fibonacci Pivot Strategy uses standard Fibonacci retracements in confluence with the daily pivot levels in order to get trade entries. My preferred parameters are the 38% or 50% Fibonacci levels in confluence with the daily central pivot. The examples following show entries at the 38%, 50% and 62% Fibonacci retracement levels in confluence with the daily central pivot.

As with all free forex strategies, there are many possible interpretations and variations. My particular take on this strategy is as follows:

-look for an entry on any currency pair where the average true range for the last five day period has been exceeded in the previous day’s trading session
-at the start of the current trading session draw fibs:
   from the previous days low to high, if price is currently above the current day’s central pivot
   from the previous day’s high to low, if price is currently below the current day’s central pivot
-look for a confluence of Fibonacci retracement levels with the daily central pivot
-If price retraces to the confluence identified, either enter at market or wait for a confirmatory candle signal to occur at the confluence before entry. Obviously, it is more risky to enter before getting the confirmatory signal, but such an approach gives a greater possible reward to risk ratio.

Let’s have a look at a few charts to see how this works.

The first chart shows a long entry at the confluence of the 38% Fibonacci retracement and the daily central pivot:

It was possible to enter either way here, either by buying at the first touch of that level, or waiting for the morning star candle formation to form. Both entries would have given a possible sasaran at the 127% Fibonacci extension level, which was easily reached.

The suggested stop loss for these trades is behind the Fibonacci level one level away from where you take the trade. In this case it would amount to the 50% retracement level, with a few pips extra thrown in for buffering.

The next trade shows the reverse setup of the previous trade, with a sell occurring at the confluence of the 38% retracement and the daily central pivot:

This was a nice set up given the big drop that occurred in the previous trading session. That drop signified a change in sentiment which would have added weight to the decision to sell.

Another example, again, a sell after a long run down the day before:

This time the sell occurs at the 50% retracement level, although it is not in perfect confluence with the daily central pivot. Still, a nice evening star pattern occurred with both the daily central pivot and the 50% retracement level being respected prior to entry,

The last example shows a confluence of the central pivot with the 62% retracement level, plus old lows at the left of the chart:

This is an example of the fact that any pivot level can be used in confluence with the daily central pivot. In this case price retraced to once more retest the entry-level on the next day, but you should have had profit taken out of the trade by then, if not having exited at full profit.

As always with any new strategy, and in particular free forex strategies, remember to fully back test and live test in a demo account before going live with this particular play, if you decide it is a good fit for you.

Two Ways To Trade Non-Farm Payrolls ( Nfp )

Non-Farm Payrolls
Non Farm Payrolls (NFP) measures the amount of jobs gained in the U.S. during the previous month that aren’t farm related. It is typically released on the first Friday of the new month, and also includes the Unemployment Rate, Average Hourly Earnings, and the Participation Rate. While all of those releases can have an impact, NFP is the main driver of market movement and is often times the single most-watched economic event that is released on a monthly basis.

Unlike men, not all economic news events are created equal. Some events create a lot of hysteria and knee-jerk reactions, whereas others barely cause a blip on the radar. The ubiquitous Non-Farm Payroll (NFP) report out of the U.S. is an example of the former.

So much attention is paid to the NFP report that pundits from across the financial blogosphere attempt to predict its eventuality and impact across a variety of financial instruments.

The large reaction is due in part to the Dual Mandate of the Federal Open Market Committee of maximum employment and stable prices. The “maximum employment” part of that mandate means that the Fed looks at NFP to help determine what interest rates will be in the future which has an outsized impact on the health of the economy. If job growth is strong, the Fed would typically look to raise interest rates assuming inflation is in check, and vice versa if job growth is weak. However, simply determining if NFP is weak or strong is another matter altogether due to expectations.


The consensus expectation for NFP plays a large role in how the markets react to the data, with the median expectation of a group of professional analysts serving as the decision point. For instance, if consensus is 200k, and the number comes out at 205k, there may not be too much reaction to that figure as it ended up being almost exactly what the market anticipated. The further away from the consensus, though, the more significant the reaction.

Two Ways to Trade NFP

Before the release: 

If you place a trade before the figure is revealed, you are using your skills of deductive reasoning to predict which way the market will go before it actually does. Risk management is vital to using this type of strategy as an unexpected figure can create gaps in the market that could theoretically jump right over any risk-minimizing stops you have in place. Therefore, it is wise to give whatever instrument you choose to trade wide breadth to move and oscillate to give yourself a better chance. Most of the central banks around the world would like inflation to grow at an annual basis of around 2% to 3%.

After the release: 

Trading after the release is a little more cautious, but also comes with its own set of risks. The initial knee-jerk reaction to the NFP headline isn’t always the “end-all, be-all” of market movement for the day. It has been well documented that markets can mimic a V-shape post NFP, where the spike goes in one direction then reverses in the minutes or hours afterward.