Showing posts with label Forex Analysis. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Forex Analysis. Show all posts

Prinsip Trading Paul Tudor Jones

Hallo,selamat datang! Semoga anda semua selalu mendapat Berkah, kebahagiaan serta riski yang lancar.Semoga dengan Mengunjungi Blog saya ini anda semua sanggup mendapat Ilmu yang bermanfaat dan semoga Artikel yang saya tulis ini sanggup menambah wawasan kita semua.Oke eksklusif saja kita ke pokok Pembahasan kita kali ini.. 

Kunci keberhasilan seorang trader disebabkan oleh sebuah prinsip yang selalu dipegang teguh dan dilajalankan dengan baik. Paul Tudor Jones, seorang trader yang lahir di Memphis, Tennessee, Amerika Serikat pada tahun 1954, ialah pola seorang trader yang sukses dengan segala prinsip trading yang ia miliki. Salah satu keberhasilan Paul Tudor Jones yang paling fenomenal ialah ketika ia sanggup dengan sempurna memprediksi terjadinya crash di pasar saham global pada, Senin, 19 Oktober 1987, atau yang dikenal sebagai "Black Monday". Berikut ini beberapa prinsip trading Paul Tudor Jones :

1.Lakukan trading dengan membuka satu posisi saja, selalu memasang Stop-Loss, jangan melaksanakan Hedge, dan selalu siap melaksanakan Cut-Loss

Membuka posisi dan kemudian memasang stop-loss, tidak membuka dua posisi yang berlawanan (hedge), dan tidak membiarkan kerugian terus tumbuh ialah tindakan bijak dari seorang trader. Saat Anda membuka posisi transaksi, ketika itu Anda tidak sedang melaksanakan sebuah permainan, tapi yang Anda lakukan ialah sebuah bisnis.

2.Menunggu ketika harga di atas atau di bawah, untuk kemudian masuk ke pasar

Membuka posisi Sell ketika harga berada diatas (overbought), dan membuka posisi Buy ketika harga berada dibawah (oversold) merupakan tindakan yang sanggup memperlihatkan laba dan juga sanggup memperkecil kerugian. Stochastic Oscillator merupakan salah satu indikator yang sanggup membantu  Anda untuk mengetahui posisi harga.

3.Jika sudah profit, segeralah keluar dari pasar dan bersenang-senanglah

Tindakan membiarkan posisi yang sudah untung, semoga laba tersebut terus bertambah tanpa berusaha mengamankan profit trading forex yang sudah didapat ialah tindakan spekulasi yang harus dihindarkan. Akan lebih baik jikalau Anda segera menutup posisi yang sudah untung dan menghentikan aktifitas trading Anda hari ini.

4.Tidak peduli dengan kesalahan sebelumnya, tapi yang penting ialah apa yang harus dilakukan berikutnya

Jangan pernah bersalah dan meratapi kesalahan yang telah Anda lakukan, yang menjadikan trading Anda rugi. Tidak ada yang tahu kemana harga akan bergerak, dan hingga dimana harga itu akan bergerak. Cobalah untuk selalu menjadi trader yang percaya diri semoga Anda terhindar dari rasa frustasi.

'Kerugian ialah penggalan dalam trading. Jika Anda mengalami loss, renungkan kenapa itu sanggup terjadi, bukan untuk disesali. Anda tentu akan profit banyak ketika pasar trending dengan kuat, tapi hal itu jarang terjadi, hanya 15% kemungkinannya. Satu hal yang penting jangan fokus pada profit yang bakal Anda peroleh, melainkan fokus pada perlindungan apa yang telah Anda miliki.'

Prinsip trading yang dimiliki oleh Paul Tudor Jones menjadi sebuah pelajaran berharga yang harus Anda pahami, dan kemudian menerapkannya kedalam acara trading forex Anda. Semoga bermanfaat.

                                    MULAI TRADING 

Download Indikator Forex Factory Calendar

Hallo....selamat datang! Semoga anda semua selalu mendapat Berkah, kebahagiaan serta riski yang lancar.Semoga dengan Mengunjungi Blog saya ini anda semua sanggup mendapat Ilmu yang bermanfaat dan semoga Artikel yang saya tulis ini sanggup menambah wawasan kita semua.Oke eksklusif saja kita ke pokok Pembahasan kita kali ini.. 

Salah satu yang selalu ditunggu-tunggu oleh seorang trader forex yaitu dirilisnya sebuah informasi ekonomi, terutama informasi ekonomi yang berdampak tinggi terhadap perubahan nilai mata uang. Untuk mengetahui berita-berita ekonomi yang akan dirilis, biasanya para trader memakai sebuah sarana yang berjulukan kalender ekonomi. Kalender ekonomi akan menampilkan berita-berita ekonomi yang akan dirilis dari negara terkait . Selain mengunjungi sebuah website, Anda juga sanggup melihat kalender ekonomi tersebut melalui chart Anda dengan cara memasang sebuah indikator yang berjulukan Forex Factory Calendar (FFCal).

Indikator Forex Factory Calendar yang ada pada artikel ini yaitu indikator yang sudah dimodifikasi. Bagi Anda yang ingin memakai indikator FFCal, berikut ini cara memasang dan memakai indikator FFCal :

Sebelum memasang indikator FFCal, lakukan langkah-langkah berikut ini :

1. Buka MetaTrader Anda, kemudian masuk ke menu'Tools".
2. Klik "Option".
3. Pada jendela option, klik "Expert Advisors".
4. Berita tanda centang pada "Allow DLL Imports", sehabis itu klik "Ok".

 Semoga anda semua selalu mendapat Berkah Download Indikator Forex Factory Calendar

Selanjutnya, lakukan langkah-langkah berikut ini :

1. Silahkan mengunjungi (sumber) :
2. Download indikator Forex Factory Calendar.
3. Copy kedalam MetaTrader Anda, kemudian pasang indikator tersebut.

 Semoga anda semua selalu mendapat Berkah Download Indikator Forex Factory Calendar

4. Untuk menampilkan hanya berita-berita yang berdampak tinggi saja :
- Double klik area value pada variable "Include medium", ubah "true" menjadi "false".
- Double klik area value pada variable "Include Low", ubah "true" menjadi "false".

 Semoga anda semua selalu mendapat Berkah Download Indikator Forex Factory Calendar

5. Untuk menampilkan simbol mata uang/negara asal berita, contohnya Anda hanya ingin menampilkan berita-berita dari Amerika (USD) saja :

- Double klik area value pada variable "Report for..." (yang bukan USD).
- Ubah "true" menjadi "false".

 Semoga anda semua selalu mendapat Berkah Download Indikator Forex Factory Calendar

6. Lihat hasilnya, semua informasi yang akan dirilis hanya yang berasal dari Amerika (USD).

 Semoga anda semua selalu mendapat Berkah Download Indikator Forex Factory Calendar

Untuk pengaturan variable yang lainnya, silahkan lakukan sesuai dengan harapan Anda. Dengan memasang Indikator Forex Factory Calendar maka hal itu akan mengingatkan Anda untuk selalu hati-hati kalau ingin membuka posisi transaksi ketika ada sebuah informasi penting yang akan dirilis.

Nah  ,Itulah postingan dari saya kali ini !!! silakan like dan Share biar bermanfaat untuk kita semua dan biar lebih banyak orang yang mengetahuinya. Jika ada pertanyaan terkait postingan Artikel saya di atas silakan sampaikan melalui kolom komentar yang tertera di bawah ini. Terima kasih sudah membaca postingan ini.Semoga bermanfaat 

Sampai jumpa pada postingan selanjutnya.

Euro Bulls Continue To Dominate

Euro traders have been living the dream as of late as the EURUSD climbs the charts steadily. Currently the Euro is sitting at a 14 month high on the back of positive news from the Euro-zone and dollar weakness as the US continues to disappoint hungry markets eager for some positive news. Draghi has for some time now looked to keep a dovish stance in order to keep the currency lower and to boost exports in the Euro-zone, but it's a tough ask when the market is so bullish on the recovery of the Euro-zone and the currency itself.  Markets are incredibly fickle when it comes to these sort of things, and right now despite all the problems we could expect buyers to continue to favour the Euro in the short to medium term unless there is some strong changes in the US market which would affect the EURUSD.

On the charts the EURUSD has crashed through resistance at 1.1617 and is looking to push higher to the next level at 1.1719, further on from this level is 1.1915 and a likely sasaran if the bulls continue to dominate this market.  If we see a push lower I would look to play off the current bullish animo line which has formed on the back of dollar weakness. The 20 day moving average may also be one to watch at this stage as it continues to be respected by day traders when it comes to movements in a trending market.

The NZDUSD has been on a fantastic winning streak as of late, as it has risen 9 out of the last 10 weeks - which is very strong from a bullish perspective. While NZ economic data has been robust it's hard to point the finger purely at that. Instead it has been a case of USD weakness and a hunger for yield in the fixed income markets at present as traders search for the best results. The RBNZ will also be taking a look at the current state of the NZDUSD and may look to jawbone it, but over the years there attempts have been weaker and weaker and unless they look to take a dent in interest rates it will continue to remain robust compared to other currencies in the market.

On the charts the NZDUSD has hit a snag with the psychological level of 74 cents, which is acting as stiff resistance at present. However, the current bullish animo looks set to remain and USD weakness remains a large factor so it could be a case of further highs. If that is the case then I would expect a further push to resistance at 0.74800 and even potentially 0.7593 as the bulls take control. In the event we saw some sort of pull back the bullish animo line looks to be key here and I would look for a bounce of this key area. The bears may very well push it lower, but the bulls will certainly look to take control if there is an opportunity here.


Understanding Mendasar Analysis

Fundamental analysis influences the ekspresi dominan of price changes (the direction of the price of an entire currency) that is more influenced by government policies (monetary authority) or data released by various sources or certain news that is uncertain The truth (market sentiment and market rumors).

Category of mendasar factors 

These broad and complex mendasar factors can be grouped into four broad categories:

1.Political factors  

As one indicator tool to predict exchange rate movements, it is very difficult to know the timing / time of the exact occurrence and to determine its impact on exchange rate fluctuations. Sometimes a political development has an impact on exchange rate movements, but sometimes it does not have any impact on exchange rate movements.

2.The financial factor 

The financial factor  is very important in doing Fundamental Analysis. Any change in monetary and fiscal policy applied by the government, especially in the case of a policy concerning interest rate changes, will have a significant impact on changes in economic fundamentals. These policy changes also affect the value of the currency. The interest rate is the determinant of the exchange rate of a currency other than any other indicator such as the amount of money in circulation. The general rule regarding interest rate policy is the higher the interest rate the stronger the exchange rate. However, sometimes there is a misunderstanding that an increase in interest rates will automatically trigger the strengthening of the dominant money exchange rate. Attention to this interest rate should primarily be focused on the real interest rate, not on the nominal interest rate. This is because the calculation of the real interest rate has included the variable rate of inflation in it.

3.External factors 

Can bring very significant changes to the exchange rate of a country. Economic changes occurring within a country can have regional effects for the economies of other countries in the same region. In the global asset allocation era, capital portfolio flows are no longer familiar with national borders. Fund managers, investors, and hedge funds that invest globally, pay close attention to economic changes, not just within the scope of one country, but also extend into the scope of a particular region / region.

4.Economic factors

Economic indicators are one of the factors that can not be separated and are an important part of the overall mendasar factor itself. Economic indicators are often used in mendasar analysis, namely:

-Gross national product (GNP) is the total production of goods and services produced by residents of the country whether residing / domiciled in the country or abroad in a certain period.

-Gross domestic product (GDP) is the sum of all goods and services produced by a country either by a domestic company or by a foreign company operating within the country at a given time / period.

-Inflation rate: One of the ways the government in tackling inflation is by making a policy to raise interest rates. The use of the inflation rate as one of the indicators of economic fundamentals is to reflect the level of GDP and GNP to its true value. The value of real GDP and GNP is a very important indicator for an investor in comparing investment opportunities and risks abroad.
Inflation indicators commonly used by investors:
*The Producer Price Index (PPI) is an index that measures the average price changes received by domestic producers for each output generated in each level of the production process. PPI data are collected from various economic sectors mainly from the manufacturing, mining and agriculture sectors.

*The Consumer Price Index (CPI) is used to measure the average change in retail prices of a particular group of goods and services. The CPI and PPI Index is used by a trader as an indicator to measure the inflation rate.

*Balance of payments is a balance sheet consisting of all activities of international economic transactions of a country, both commercial and financial, with other countries at a certain period. This balance of payments reflects all transactions between residents, governments, and domestic and foreign business entities, such as export and import transactions, portfolio investments, transactions between Central Banks, and others. With this balance of payments we know when a country has a surplus or a deficit. 

-The unemployment rate is an indicator that can give an idea of ​​the real conditions of various economic sectors. This indicator can be used as a tool to analyze the healthy / not the economy of a country. If the economy is in good condition it will achieve a low unemployment rate. But if the economy is sluggish then the unemployment rate increases.

-The foreign exchange rate is a comparison value or it can be called the exchange rate between a currency against another currency. This exchange rate is usually used as the main indicator to see the economic strength or the level of economic stability of a State. If the country's currency exchange rate is not stable then it can be said that the country's economy is not good or is experiencing economic crisis. It is therefore necessary for a State to have a stable currency in order for the country's economy to proceed smoothly and form a growth trend.

-PSNCR - Public Sector Net Cash Requirement or public sector cash requirement is the amount of money the government should borrow to finance its expenses. Because governments often spend more than they receive from tax revenues, and the only way to add to the shortfall is from borrowing.